If your like me, when I started out thinking I wanted another way to make lindens other than camping chairs. Dancing for tips sounded like a good idea but I knew there was a difference between me and the other dancers. They had a presence about them and looked so good compared to the freebie me back then as I was lucky that I already changed my hair and skin.
Rule #1. Grab all the text from the prospective location you want to dance. Most places have an application notecard and list of rules. Keep a copy of the notecards for rules to CYA later cause some owners don't know what they are doing.
Heres a small list of things. I will go into each at a later time.
Make yourself look unique.
Get some quality dances of your own. Ask other dancers what they use.
Smile at the guests, make chit chat and act like your having a good time.
Get an AO to give yourself a sexy walk. Always turn it on and off before dancing.
Short dresses are always good for dancing. A long dress with have difficulties with movement and staying on the correct part of you while you dance.
Get theme night gear as you need it. Wet T-shirts, Togas, boots, heels and more.